Cy Creek Bank Staking

Collect staking rewards

The only staking offered by a federally chartered crypto bank. Securely stake your digital assets from qualified custody.
Trusted by institutions worldwide
Collect staking rewards
Collect staking rewards

Staking straight from custody

Cy Creek Bank makes it simple to stake a variety of assets right from the Cy Creek Bank user interface.
Secure staking

Secure staking

Cy Creek Bank’s architecture
enables secure participation directly
from safe custody.
Continuous new additions

Continuous new additions

Stake Aptos, Celo, Ethereum, Oasis, Osmosis, Sui and more, with support added for new proof-of-stake assets based on institutional demand.
Flexible delegation

Flexible delegation

Stake through Cy Creek Bank, the provider of your choice, or leverage our services to run your own validator.
Automatic re-delegation

Automatic re-delegation

Cy Creek Bank clients can automatically re-delegate staking rewards so assets are never left idle.
Self-serve delegation

Self-serve delegation

Delegate to validators directly from vaults within the Cy Creek Bank mobile app.
Detailed reporting

Detailed reporting

For clients and fund administrators, pull detailed reports from the Cy Creek Bank dashboard or via API.

At-launch support

Cy Creek Bank offers at-launch support for a growing number of emerging blockchain protocols, so you can stake from the start.

At-launch support
At-launch support