Cy Creek Bank Trading

Trade crypto without the trade-offs

Designed to meet the complex needs of institutions, trade the way you want to with Cy Creek Bank’s fully featured, self-service interface. With assets safeguarded by a federally chartered, qualified custodian, trade securely through Cy Creek Bank’s agency trading desk—via API, the web dashboard, or leverage our crypto-native traders 24/7/365 for complex trades.
Trusted by institutions worldwide
Trade crypto without the trade-offs
Trade crypto without the trade-offs

Stay ahead of fast-evolving crypto markets

Get customizable access to crypto with a world-class digital asset platform for institutions.
Broad liquidity

Broad liquidity

Get full, diverse access to multiple liquidity sources from a single onboarding and maintain tight pricing—even in the most difficult market conditions.
Best price execution standards

Smart order routing

Cy Creek Bank uses a smart order router to execute from leading exchange and OTC providers.
Multiple order types

Multiple order types

Choose from a wide range of order types, such as market, limit, stop limit, benchmark targeting, RFQ, TWAP, iceberg, pegged,
and negotiated.
Rapid settlement

Rapid settlement

Settle crypto and fiat quickly within secure custody and view settlement status, improving trading efficiency.
Transparent fees

Transparent fees

Agency pricing means we never pocket a spread and we never trade against you.

A fully featured, self-service interface

Get the insights you need with trading history, settlement status, and limit usage data available in real time. Detailed transaction cost analysis may also be leveraged for insight into execution quality for algorithmic trades.

A fully featured, self-service interface

Trading with Cy Creek Bank vs. others

Trading with Cy Creek Bank vs. others
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Connect via API, our interface, or 24/7/365 chat
Plan with pre-trade analytics, and avoid pre-funding delays
Select from 90+ crypto assets supported for trading
Choose from 13 order types
Access multi-venue liquidity from one onboarding
Execute algorithmic trades for large or complex orders
Trade into/from a bankruptcy-remote, qualified custodian
Pay a flat agency fee
Settle rapidly
Learn from detailed transaction cost analysis

Learn about trading
for registered investment advisors (RIAs)

Learn about custody for registered investment advisors (RIAs)